Explore UAB

A growing number of businesses work closely with companies in other countries.

No matter what career you choose, having learned a second language could be benefit for you opens a new website. A technician who knows German, the head of a company who knows Japanese or Spanish, or a salesperson who knows French or Chinese can work successfully with many more people and in many more places than someone who knows only one language.

Many Americans need to speak languages other than English.

Nurses, doctors, police officers, journalists, business professionals, and individuals working in the tourism industry are just a few examples of people who may need to know a second language to help them do their jobs well. There are many careers where being proficient in more than one language is required or a sought-after skill opens a pdf in a new website.

Professionals who know more than one language may have access to more career opportunities.

A second (or third) language may give you an advantage opens a new website in the fields of government, business, law, medicine and healthcare, teaching, technology, the military, communications, social service, marketing, and other industries where you may be working with or serving communities and individuals who speak other languages than English. Knowing a second language can help you be a bridge between a company and new clients or customers.

Studying another language can improve your test scores.

Studying a second language can improve your college entrance exam scores opens a new website. Studying a language can help increase your vocabulary, reading comprehension, and critical reading skills. It can also help you sharpen your memory skills. A study published in the Journal of Language, Identity and Education found multi-lingual students performed better in all subjects, especially science and geography.

Explore Internships, Service Learning, and Career Resources

Internships and service-learning courses are a proven way of helping you in your job search once you graduate. Employers know that these experiences give students hands-on experience with workplace skills, challenges, and environments — experiences that make those students valuable employees. Internships give you the chance to try out a profession and collect references and professional contacts. You can also get course credit. Learn more about the official WLL internships and service-learning courses.

Another good resource for internship and job listings is the UAB Career Center opens a new website. They are a source for career advice and planning, along with information on job fairs, tools like resume builders, and many more resources for UAB students. We recommend that you take advantage of all that they have to offer.

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